Professional Goal & Related Instructional Topics

Stacy GH Garbos

CIT609: Special Topics in Curriculum Design I

     Building a strong reading foundation is an integral part of instruction if students are to succeed in academics as well as in the world we are teaching them to be a productive part of. Students with reading deficiencies often struggle to make learning gains in almost all subject areas. Although I am an effective reading teacher, I do not have a lot of experience working with reading deficiencies and would like to work on improving my instructional practices. 

     My professional goal is focussed on my students' reading scores and reading running record level. I have pulled students' assessment data as well as their reading level data to determine possible strengths and weaknesses. I quickly determined that the target students need support in tracking and reading comprehension. In an effort to improve the my curriculum instruction I will pursue professional development and put a plan of action into place. 


1. I will continually attend Professional Learning Community meetings in an effort to explore better methods of instruction from peers and administration. (comprehension)

2. I will work with and confer with our on campus reading coach to secure professional development in small group reading instruction. (tracking)

3. I will unpack the reading standards to determine possible lower-level foundational understanding that might be missing from students' understanding. With this knowledge in hand, I will work with students in a small group setting to build the missing foundation. (comprehension)

4. I will attend Literacy Fest in order to develop new methods of delivering instruction in a proven, tested, and engaging way. (comprehension)